The Roller Derby world is in turmoil. The preselections for Team France, the national team that will compete in the 2014 World Cup in Dallas, have begun. Players from all over the country are getting together to try their luck. The forty girls shortlisted will train for a year and only twenty of them will finally be selected to go all the way and play in the World Cup.
A year of encounters, great friendships, outbursts but above all Derby. All of them will push themselves to the limit, stick together and close their fists. They overcame their doubts and overcame their pain to be the best they could be for their team and to gain recognition for their sport, but above all to be the best they could be for themselves.
With the support of the Centre National du Cinéma et de l'Image Animée and the Ministère de la Ville, de la Jeunesse et des Sports.
Technical details :
Directed by Lætitia Rodari
coproduction: AMC2 productions / TV8 Mont-Blanc / TL7
Running time: 52 min