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De gallorum religione

Docu-fiction, commissioned by the Musée gallo-romain de Lyon - Fourvière as part of the temporary exhibition ‘Par Toutatis, la religion des Gaulois’ - June 2006 to July 2007

Festivals :
- VIth Bidasoa International Archaeology Film Festival in Irun (Spain) - 2006
- ICRONOS - Xth Bordeaux Archaeological Film Festival (France) - 2006
- 5th International Archaeology Film Festival in Nyon (Switzerland) - 2007
- 8th Internationales Archeologie-Film-Kunst-Festival Kiel (Germany) - 2008
- 18th Rassegna Internazionale del Cinema Archeologico - Rovereto (Italy) - 2008

Scientific direction :
Christian Goudineau and Matthieu Poux (Professor of Archaeology - Université Lumière - Lyon 2)

Technical details :
Director: David Geoffroy
Script: Christian Goudineau
(Professor at the Collège de France,
Chair of National Antiquities)
Production: Court-Jus Production
& Archaeology Unit of the Rhône Department
Running time: 7 min
Format: HD

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